Script for adding tag alarm

Hello everyone.

Is there a way to add an alarm to an OPC boolean tag via script?

With adding an alarm I mean without manually pressing the button shown below in the image. But automatically created via a script that I would then run inside a button.

I know that there is the 'system.tag.configure' to modify the alarm configurations. But without adding the tag alarm I am not able to use it.

Thank you all.

It is system.tag.configure. The docs show an example for alarms.


Yes I saw. And through the following script I get to create an OPC boolean tag from scratch.

# The provider and folder the Tag will be placed at. 
baseTagPath = "[default]MyPath"
# Properties that will be configured on that Tag.
name = "BitAlarm_00_"
opcItemPath = "nsu=KEPServerEX;s=DR_1.CH_1.Allarmi[x].Allarmi[00].BitAlarm[x].BitAlarm[00]"
opcServer = "KEPServerEX"
valueSource = "opc"
dataType = "Boolean"
alarms = [
                "name": "Alarm_0_1.",               
                "priority": "High",               
                "setpointA": 1,
                "label": "Example",
                "displayPath": "12345",
                "shelvingAllowed": False
# Configure the tag.
tag = [
            "name": name,         
            "opcItemPath" : opcItemPath,
            "opcServer": opcServer,
            "valueSource": valueSource,
            "dataType": dataType,
            "alarms": alarms
# Set the collision policy to Abort. Thus, if a Tag already exists at the base path,
# we will not override the Tag. If you are overwriting an existing Tag, then set this to "o".
collisionPolicy = "o"
# Create the Tag.
system.tag.configure(baseTagPath, tag, collisionPolicy)

My situation however is the following: I import the tags directly by importing them from KepServerEx, then it creates the variable tree with folders and subfolders of the various alarm tags.
From this situation I would like to alarm the various tags to be able to configure them. The problem is that I cannot add the alarm via script.

What do you mean ?
That's exactly what this script does.
The alarms in the alarms list are the alarms you're adding to the tag. Isn't that what you want ?

Use system.tag.getConfiguration to retrieve your tags configurations, add the alarms you want, then use system.tag.configure.

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Yes. I have tried to alarm an existing tag using this script:

tagPath = "MyTagPath"

tagConfig = system.tag.getConfiguration(tagPath, returnDefaults=True)[0]

alarmConfig = {
    "name": "Alarm_0", 
    "enabled": True,  
    "priority": "High", 
    "label": "Test", 

tagConfig['alarms'] = [alarmConfig]

system.tag.configure(tagPath, tagConfig, "o")   

But the response is this:

[Bad_Unsupported("The target path 'MyTagPath' cannot accept children tags.")]

Because that's not how configure works. You're trying to add a tag in itself.

foo = system.tag.getConfiguration("foo")[0]

foo['alarms'] = [
	    "name": "Alarm_0", 
	    "enabled": True,  
	    "priority": "High", 
	    "label": "Test", 

system.tag.configure("", foo)

Note how I'm not passing the tag path, but its parent's path ?
It's because configure is initially supposed to take a list of tags. Just like the read* and write* functions.
If you pass a list of tags, you can't expect a single tag path to work.

Try to change the path you pass to configure.


Using your script it creates a tag outside of each folder of the variable tree alarmed with the indicated properties.

while the tag I would like to alarm does not undergo any modification

foo = system.tag.getConfiguration("MyTagPath")[0]

foo['alarms'] = [
	    "name": "Alarm_0", 
	    "enabled": True,  
	    "priority": "High", 
	    "label": "Test", 

system.tag.configure("", foo)

Well you need to pass the path of the folder where you want to put the tag as a parameter to configure... I can't do that for you.

Let's make an example.
Let's say your tag path is [default]site_a/machine_1/foo.
Then it will look like this

foo = system.tag.getConfiguration("[default]site_a/machine_1/foo")[0]
system.tag.configure("[default]site_a/machine_1", foo)

It works. Thank you so much for your patience!! :pray: