Script write to tag error

Hello, can someone please see if they have seen this error trying to write to a PLC tag?
The script works fine but every once in awhile it locks up, and this is when I noticed this error in the Logs.


Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)

this was from ignition logs below:

LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 06:54:07
Error writing tags Error writing to tag ‘[Scanners]Scanner XDO/SORTER_HANDLE_LOOKUP/SORTER_HANDLE_LOOKUP_43_’: Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)

LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 06:53:52 Error writing tags Error writing to tag ‘[Scanners]Scanner XDO/SORTER_HANDLE_LOOKUP/SORTER_HANDLE_LOOKUP_28_’: Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)

Need a bit more information:

  1. What version of Ignition is being used
  2. What type of PLC?
  3. Are you using and external OPC client/server?
  4. If you are using Ignition’s OPC-UA what driver are you using to connect.

version 8.1.8
AB ControlLogix L81E
Ignition OPC-UA Server

What driver are you using?

where do i find that?

I’ve seen this happen when an online edit is performed and a write is attempted at the same time the logic changes are being accepted.

You may want to consider using a try/except block in your script.

In the gateway under Config > Opcua > Device Connections. You'll see a list of all devices, the second Column will say which driver is in use.

Also, what firmware version is in the controller.

the tag array SORTER_HANDLE_LOOKUP are only written to in one script, when it gets triggered.
So i dont think that is happening,

the driver for the L81E is the Allen-Bradley Logix Driver
The firmware is 33.011

Do you have any security configured on the tag in Ignition?

no I’ve never done that before

In the PLC, is the tag SORTER_HANDLE_LOOKUP configured for External Access?

1 Like

its setup for read/write

screen shot

I don’t know… Perhaps @Kevin.Herron may have some insight.

That’s a screen shot of Ignition. The external access control is in the PLC. Please show a screenshot of Studio 5000 showing that tag’s details.


thanks anyway!

see screen shot below.

Getting it again with a different tag

LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 10:04:31 Error writing tags Error writing to tag
‘[Scanners]Scanner XDO/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP_117_’: Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)
LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 10:04:31 Error writing tags Error writing to tag
‘[Scanners]Scanner XDO/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP_97_’: Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)
LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 10:04:31 Error writing tags Error writing to tag
‘[Scanners]Scanner XDO/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP_96_’: Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)
LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 10:04:31 Error writing tags Error writing to tag
‘[Scanners]Scanner XDO/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP/XDO_CONFIRM_LOOKUP_95_’: Bad(“Bad_NotWritable: The access level does not allow writing to the Node.”)
LegacyScripting[system_util_tag] 08Dec2021 10:04:26 Error writing tags Error writing to tag