I’m having issues with with my script with only inserting the first row of each csv into the database, as I need all rows of each csv to be inserted.
# Importing the appropriate java libraries.
from java.lang import System
from java.io import File
import os, shutil
import time
import csv
# This sets up an extension filter that can check the file extension. Txt is the default.
class ExtensionFilter(FilenameFilter):
def __init__(self, extension=".csv"):
def accept(self, directory, name):
# make sure that the filename ends in the right extension
return name.lower().endswith(self.extension)
# Used to look up the files in the users home directory.
homePath = '\\\\scadacentral01\\Data\\d\\datalog\\LeakTestLog\\'
homeDir = File(homePath)
archivePath = '\\\\scadacentral01\\Data\\d\\datalog\\OUTARCHIVE\\'
# Prints out all .csv files. Txt is provided if nothing is specified.
for filename in homeDir.list(ExtensionFilter()):
path = homePath + filename
# Create a reader object that will iterate over the lines of a CSV.
# We're using Python's built-in open() function to open the file.
csvData = csv.reader(open(path,'rU'))
# Create a List of strings to use as a header for the dataset. Note that the number
# of headers must match the number of columns in the CSV, otherwise an error will occur.
# The simplest approach would be to use next() to read the first line in the file, and
# store that at the header.
header = csvData.next()
# Create a dataset with the header and the rest of our CSV.
dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(header ,list(csvData))
# Convert to PyDataset
Data = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dataset)
# Start
txID = system.db.beginTransaction(timeout=5000)
# Loop through the rows in the dataset, and insert them into the database.
for rows in Data:
column1 = rows['Date']
column2 = rows['Time']
column3 = rows['Site']
column4 = rows['Room']
column5 = rows['Tester']
column6 = rows['mmH2O']
column7 = rows['Duration']
column8 = rows['Step']
sql = """
INSERT INTO leak_test_data
(Data_Date, Data_Time, Data_Site, Data_Room, Data_Tester, Data_Press, Data_Dur, Data_Step)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
system.db.runPrepUpdate(sql, [column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7, column8], tx=txID)
# Commit and close
time.sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 seconds
for filename in homeDir.list(ExtensionFilter()):
shutil.move(homePath + filename, archivePath + filename)