Scripting importing multiple csv and inserting into sql Database (Issue only first row inserting)

I’m having issues with with my script with only inserting the first row of each csv into the database, as I need all rows of each csv to be inserted.

# Importing the appropriate java libraries.
from java.lang import System
from import File
import os, shutil
import time
import csv

# This sets up an extension filter that can check the file extension. Txt is the default.
class ExtensionFilter(FilenameFilter):
   def __init__(self, extension=".csv"):
   def accept(self, directory, name):
      # make sure that the filename ends in the right extension
      return name.lower().endswith(self.extension)
# Used to look up the files in the users home directory.
homePath = '\\\\scadacentral01\\Data\\d\\datalog\\LeakTestLog\\'
homeDir = File(homePath)
archivePath = '\\\\scadacentral01\\Data\\d\\datalog\\OUTARCHIVE\\'
# Prints out all .csv files. Txt is provided if nothing is specified.
for filename in homeDir.list(ExtensionFilter()):
	path = homePath + filename
	# Create a reader object that will iterate over the lines of a CSV.
	# We're using Python's built-in open() function to open the file.
	csvData = csv.reader(open(path,'rU')) 
	# Create a List of strings to use as a header for the dataset. Note that the number
	# of headers must match the number of columns in the CSV, otherwise an error will occur.
	# The simplest approach would be to use next() to read the first line in the file, and
	# store that at the header.
	header =
	# Create a dataset with the header and the rest of our CSV.
	dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(header ,list(csvData))
	# Convert to PyDataset
	Data = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dataset)
	# Start
	txID = system.db.beginTransaction(timeout=5000)
	# Loop through the rows in the dataset, and insert them into the database.
	for rows in Data:
		column1 = rows['Date']
		column2 = rows['Time']
		column3 = rows['Site']
		column4 = rows['Room']
		column5 = rows['Tester']
		column6 = rows['mmH2O']
		column7 = rows['Duration']
		column8 = rows['Step']
    	sql = """
		INSERT INTO leak_test_data
			(Data_Date, Data_Time, Data_Site, Data_Room, Data_Tester, Data_Press, Data_Dur, Data_Step)
			(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    	system.db.runPrepUpdate(sql, [column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7, column8], tx=txID)
	# Commit and close
	time.sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 seconds
for filename in homeDir.list(ExtensionFilter()):
	shutil.move(homePath + filename, archivePath + filename) 

I fixed and you the issue, I had a typo. updated code below with some other filter features if anyone is interested.

# Importing the appropriate java libraries.
from java.lang import System
from import File
from import FilenameFilter
import os, shutil
import time
import csv

# This sets up an extension filter that can check the file extension. Txt is the default.
class ExtensionFilter(FilenameFilter):
   def __init__(self, extension=".csv"):
   def accept(self, directory, name):
      # make sure that the filename ends in the right extension
      return name.lower().endswith(self.extension)
# Used to look up the files in the users home directory.
homePath = '\\\\scadacentral01\\Data\\d\\datalog\\LeakTestLog\\'
homeDir = File(homePath)
archivePath = '\\\\scadacentral01\\Data\\d\\datalog\\OUTARCHIVE\\'
# Prints out all .csv files. Txt is provided if nothing is specified.
for filename in homeDir.list(ExtensionFilter()):
	path = open(homePath + filename,'rU')
	# Create a reader object that will iterate over the lines of a CSV.
	# We're using Python's built-in open() function to open the file.
	csvData = csv.reader(path) 
	# Create a List of strings to use as a header for the dataset. Note that the number
	# of headers must match the number of columns in the CSV, otherwise an error will occur.
	# The simplest approach would be to use next() to read the first line in the file, and
	# store that at the header.
	header =
	# Create a dataset with the header and the rest of our CSV.
	dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(header ,list(csvData))
	# Convert to PyDataset
	Data = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dataset)
	# Start
	txID = system.db.beginTransaction(timeout=5000)
	# Loop through the rows in the dataset, and insert them into the database.
	for row in Data:
		column1 = row['Date']
		column2 = row['Time']
		column3 = row['Site']
		column4 = row['Room']
		column5 = row['Tester']
		column6 = row['mmH2O']
		column7 = row['Duration']
		column8 = row['Step']
		if int(column8) >= 1:
			sql = "INSERT INTO leak_test_data (Data_Date, Data_Time, Data_Site, Data_Room, Data_Tester, Data_Press, Data_Dur, Data_Step) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
			arguments = [column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7, column8]
			system.db.runPrepUpdate(sql, arguments, tx=txID)
	# Commit and close
	time.sleep(1) # Sleep for 3 seconds
for filename in homeDir.list(ExtensionFilter()):
	shutil.move(homePath + filename, archivePath + filename) 

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A post was split to a new topic: Issue with script to read CSV into table