If you go into the gateway and attempt to edit a user, ‘Language’ is listed as a user property.
In the Perspective app I’m working on, we have a User Management page created but I don’t see a system scripting function in the help documents for accessing/updating the ‘Language’ user property.
Ideally, I want to have that property be what sets the default language for the user upon page startup. Is there a way to access it?
Hi @agriner, could you use: user.set("language", "value")
Not tried it personally, but I came to this conclusion from the example in: system.user.getNewUser - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation
and based on the PyUser class information: PyUser
Please let me know if it works
p.s. The Expanse reference in the getNewUser() example always makes me chuckle kudos to whoever wrote that entry.
The Expanse reference in the getNewUser() example always makes me chuckle kudos to whoever wrote that entry.
That was me. I didn't think our training department would use my internal notes as is.
Oh, and what @matthew.ayre suggested should definitely work. Make sure the value is an ISO language code for best results. (e.g. English is “en”, Spanish is “es”)
That worked great! Thank you both!