ScriptManager script path

This is a snippet of my code

class GatewayHook extends AbstractGatewayModuleHook {
    public void initializeScriptManager(ScriptManager manager) {
        manager.runCode("", localsMap, "");

Which folder should I put it in? I even put it in every folder, it doesn't work

Or maybe I'm using it the wrong way and I want to load py code into the sdk

No folder, that's not what the function does.

The literal body of the Jython code should be the text in the first argument. The filename parameter is only used for debug/logging purposes.

Also, you don't want to run any code in initializeScriptManager. You should only use that hook to add your own system library function implementations.

Describe what you're actually trying to do with your module and we can help - at the moment you're doing things fundamentally wrong.

Some public jython function files want to be packaged in the sdk and then passed through the sdk
addScriptModule is shared out, jython code is placed in site-packages which is not easy to share and manage and install

The sdk must be installed after it is modified. Therefore, initializeScriptManager is used temporarily to facilitate immediate execution after installation