I have a TabStrip with 18 tabs.
The popup, where the TabStrip is used is not big enough to show complete TabStrip, so the arrows are shown on the right side.
If I set the active tab (when the popup is opened, via window parameter) to the tab, that is 'beyond' navigation arrows, is it possible somehow to 'auto scroll' to this selected/active tab, which is currently not visible?
I'm/was playing with 'tabStrip.scrollRectToVisible' (like with the tables) but I had no success...
I'm not sure the best way to approach this. That component doesn't use a scroll pane, so it's basically just a jpanel nested inside a jpanel. The outer panel will have a layout manager that dictates where the inner panel is positioned. My inclination is to leave that alone and manipulate the position of the inner panel the natural way with the buttons, albeit programmatically. I imagine this could be done with a loop that checks a given tab component's bounds against the tab holder panel's visible rectangle.