Seeking Advice on Automation for Simple HMI Solution

Hi everyone,

I’m Emmanuel Katto from Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) new to automation but have a project that requires some guidance. I work for a company that manufactures industrial printers, and I need to set up a simple HMI (Human-Machine Interface) solution to link two printers together. The goal is for one HMI to control both printers, where each button represents a customer’s product. When the button is pressed, it should send a binary string to the printers to select the corresponding product.

I have no experience with programming or PLCs, so I’m looking for a straightforward and cost-effective solution for the customer. If anyone has advice or can point me to some resources or tools that would help, I’d really appreciate it!

Thanks in advance for any help!

Emmanuel Katto

This is something you would typically hire an Integrator to do for you. You may get some bites here if you provide more information on the printers such as what sort of communication capabilities they have, but for a full solution that's too much to ask for us volunteers.