Self Host Sparkplug MQTT Broker

Is there any open source sparkplug MQTT broker that I can self host?
I know node red can host a sparkplug broker, but it's running on nodered.
Just wondering any open source one that I can run on directly docker.

Sparkplug doesn't require any special features of the MQTT broker. Any broker including mosquitto, HiveMQ, or EMQX will work fine.

Not anything that should be considered special, but it does require QoS 0 and 1, retained messages, and LWT.

At one point in time this made brokers like Amazon IoT Core (or SQS? Can't remember...) unusable, though I'm not sure if that's still true.

In general though yes you should be able to use any MQTT broker that implements MQTT 3.1.1.

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thank you both.

I used mosquitto broker for quite a few years, but never know that it can work with sparkplug b MQTT.

I will have a try this week.