Sending Emails / configuring SMTP profile using OAuth

Hi Guys,

We had been using simple authentication in our SMTP profile for sending emails. But now the authentication method is changing to use Oauth 2.0. Unable to find a way to do this for SMTP in particular. Our perspective application uses AD for authentication.

We don’t have any support for OAuth (“modern” as Office 365 calls it) authentication in SMTP profiles right now, but it’s on our radar and coming eventually. A spec document for it was finished recently, so progress is being made…

Thanks for your reply. By when do you think this will be available? And does it mean our email functionality will stop working till that time? How does the Identity Provider configuration work? will it help if we configure it there?

I don't know, it's too early to guess. It hasn't landed in any development team's sprint yet and it's a complicated set of changes that need to be introduced.

That depends on your email provider and whether they do a hard cut off on classic SMTP auth. My understanding is that while Gmail and Office 365 have disabled it by default they still have some way of enabling "legacy access" or "insecure access" or whatever scary name they've given it.

I'm not sure how Identity Providers have anything to do with this.

Can you use a different SMTP provider?

These people are the best I have ever seen.
Smtp Provider

To my knowledge, Gmail has now permanently disabled insecure access, and Office 365 plans to follow suit later this year. Is there still no solution for Ignition to use these popular email accounts? Still no plans to develop a solution in the near future?

We have something in development right now but it’s not near done enough to give you a timeline.

AFAIK the you can still access both O365 and Gmail by jumping through some hoops about “insecure applications” and generating app-specific keys.

Hi Kevin,

Has there been progress on support for OAuth authentication?


Yes, the final stage of this work, the actual implementation of the new email profiles, is bouncing around in code review and QA right now.

That's great news. Thanks. Do you have an estimated release date for the change?

8.1.22 is scheduled for Nov 1, 8.1.23 is scheduled for Dec 6.

I'd guess one of those versions, and it'll be available in the nightly whenever it is done. Can't provide a better estimate, it's done when it's done.

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Hi - Do you know if the update for OAuth support was implemented in 8.1.22?

Nope, it’s in QA right now though, so possibly 8.1.23.

You still can generate app-specific keys with gmail, I just did it for the first time last week at home on Maker. That was easy enough but I didn't have to go through an IT organization to get it cleared. When we have to transition to O365 at the company that just bought us, I don't know if it will be feasible to get app-specific keys.

Yep, OAuth email support is coming soon.


Starting with tomorrow's early access build of 8.1.24-SNAPSHOT, you will be able to configure SMTP Email Profiles which support OAuth 2.0. For more info, see: New Features: OAuth2 Clients and OAuth SMTP Email Profiles