Sending Firebase notifications from Ignition

Hi all,
I need to send some realtime Firebase notifications out of my Ignition project, based on some tag events (on the other side, some operators with Android based devices will receive those notifications from the Firebase realtime database).
I’m looking for strategies to do that:

  1. Python 3rd party libraries like Pyrebase: it uses Python 3 and throw exceptions if I try to use it in my Project
  2. Other Python libraries like python-firebase: it depends on libraries like Requests and I do not figure out how to configure that dependency in Ignition
  3. Developing an SDK Gateway module where I use firebase4j to have the work done: since I’m not sure what sort of functionalities I can expose to Ignition from a module (functions, classes?), I hesitate to start with this development.

Could anyone advise me about the best practice?

Thanks in advance, regards

You can try the ZetPush