Sepasoft mes analysis selector dropdown


I have an issue I am trying to work through. I set up IDP with Azure. When I am in the project properties and select identity provider for default under the security settings, the analysis selector works as desired when the user logs in. (I am aware this feature only works when authenticated and user has to log in)

When I switch that to Azure, my IDP I set up, user logs in and gets authenticated but the analysis selector tool does not function. Like it is not seeing an authenticated person logging in via my IDP.

Is there a setting or something I am missing for the analysis selector to function with azure idp set up for log in? versus the default?


Have you attempted to restart the production/oee modules in the config > modules section?

Occasionally the Sepasoft Modules don't always pickup changes from my experience. If this still persists, you may contact Sepasoft Support