Session Custom Properties Perspective

On startup I would like to set a session custom property. I cannot figure out the full tag path
I have tried session.custom.mytag.
see some stuff about using system.perspective.getSessionInfo[id]
we are running 8.1.0 but doesn’t seem to support above system.perspective

Consider using an expression binding with just the constant you wish to start with.

I am leaning the various functions within Ignition and was hoping to use a session custom tag.
I have a project with several views that I would like to use an endDate that is now when the user starts the project, but as they drill down on the date, I would like this date to be able to pass from one view to another, so that’s why I wanting to use a session custom tag.
Thanks for any suggestions and guidance

My recommendation was for use with the session custom tag. Create the tag. Add the expression binding to now(0). The “0” will keep it from executing again.

That worked. Thanks. Only issue I had was that I did not click bidirectional on my date picker so was not updating the session custom property.
Thanks again for the help