Setting the Selected row of a with .selectedRow seems to update the selected row but the table just reverts to another selected row

I have a Table that is filled by an MSSQL database. You are able to select the table rows which brings up information to other parts of the window. The issue i am facing is that anytime a new entry in the table is selected, it seems to refresh the table 5-6 times. This wouldn't be a problem except for when there is navigation from another page that sets the selected row of the table.

The script that i am using sets the table's selected row using:


When i add a print statement to the propertyChange of the table itself and tell it to print out what the selected row of the table currently is, it will say the correctly passed selected row index 2 times then it will revert to some other selected row and print it out 6-8 times.

Any ideas why the table just reverts itself to some other selected row?

This sounds like a circular reference, probably indirect. Where one thing changes the selected row, causing changes in other bindings, causing property changes to fire elsewhere, and another script (elsewhere) sets the row.

Possibly exacerbated by Vision tables mucking with selected rows every time their dataset is updated (set row to -1, then set it back).

You'll have to share more.