SFC Transition Timeout delay Expression examples

In SFC, in a transition, as a Timeout Delay, we can specify expressions

I know that I can specify a number or basic expressions with tag, but I can't find a way to have a variable as a base path for my tag.

{[default]full/path/to/tag} # Working
{chart.basePath + "/to/tag"} # Not working
tag({chart.basePath} + "/to/tag") # Not working
{{chart.basePath} + "/to/tag"} # Not allowed

This would be the syntax I would expect to work. What if you evaluate {chart.basePath} + "/to/tag" separately (and dump it out as a string to the logs) to be sure it's what you think it is?

to avoid any confusion, mistake, typo, and so on, I just did the following, but it is still not working

tag("[default]full/path/to/tag") # Not working

Edit: For info, I'm on Ignition 8.1.35

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Huh, well. That's definitely not what I would expect. I'll dig in a little more later today.