There's an excel .xlsx file on a shared drive that I need to have available in Ignition.
It's updated pretty much daily.
I have @JordanCClark's excelBytesToDataSet function (I've popped it into a project script for now) and it works delightfully, but I don't want to have to use the fileUpload component in Perspective if I can somehow pull in the file through the Gateway or the Designer, since I know the file needs to be updated regularly (weekly at least, possibly daily) into Ignition.
I've tried doing a scheduled Gateway Event Script and got:
IOError:'[drive]:/[folder1]/[folder2]/fileName.xlsx' does not exist or isn't a file
I used forward slashes to try to avoid needing to use escapes. Do I need to or should I use backslashes?
Do I need to use the StringIO module on the fileName? If so, what syntax should I use?
Should I be doing something else entirely that I haven't thought of?
I have access to the Gateway Web page, but not the machine it's on.
I'm not sure how I'd go about giving the Gateway access to the drive and/or folder, if that's a thing that would help.
Any directions gratefully received.