I am trying to fetch data from SharePoint URL for the first time. I have managed to get all the list data from sharePoint URL but when I try to apply filter on any column, I didn't get any expected data.
Can you please help in this case?
Here is the code part of code I am working on.
header = {'accept':'application/json','Authorization':'Bearer ' + LatestToken}
#Below URL works. All data from sharePoint list fetched by passing Site ID and List ID.
rawResponse = client.get(https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/+sharepointGUID +/lists/%7B + ListGUID + %7D/items?$expand=fields&$top=100,headers=header)
return rawResponse.json
#Here I added filter with encoded URL but it fetched only 200 records with any filter when there are about 8000 records with filter on sharepoint.
rawResponse = client.get(https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/+sharepointGUID +/lists/%7B + ListGUID + %7D/items?$expand=fields&%24filter%3DstartsWith%28fields%2F + FilterField + %2C + FilterValue + %29,headers=header)
return rawResponse.json
I am not sure what I am missing here.