Showing server ip/hostname in window title of designer

Does someone know a way to show the ip or hostname of the Ignition server in the title bar of the designer window?

Perhaps there’s a module somewhere? Or perhaps there’s a gateway setting where the appearance of the designer can be changed?

This would be very handy when moving certain features from a test server to the production server (to avoid moving it the wrong way around).

I think the title comes from the System Name field from the Gateway Settings.
–Gateway Settings
–System Name field
The Designer Session Title will be: ProejctName - System Name

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from javax.swing import SwingUtilities
root = SwingUtilities.getRoot(event.source)
root.setTitle("%s - %s" % (root.getTitle(),"[System]Client/Network/IPAddress").value))

This code is directly from a button, but any trigger method should work - getRoot() just needs a component reference.

I was going to start a new thread requesting this feature... It would be great to see project AND gateway name AND host name in the Ignition Designer window title bar. Often I'll have different copies of the same gateway open (e.g. a dev server and a local docker container of it) and it would be great to have more confidence in what I'm looking at without looking at the hostname in the Perspective Property Editor pane.