Siemens OPC server addressing

I am using the Siemens PLC OPC server.
Connection to OPC server is ok but having trouble figuring out how to configure the OPC item path for tags or structures inside of Data Blocks

tried using this + a few other variations

I am not able to get any of the DB in the OPC browser but if I add a OPC UA Server interface in siemens I can find in the browser but it uses a reference like nsu=http://Server interface_1;i=82 and I would like to be able to reference with "TGMS_INPUT_{IDNum}"."Cfg_Point"


Is this a 1200 or 1500?

AFAIK you can't configure or otherwise influence the NodeIds used when you add custom "server interfaces", and I think in the 1200 server interfaces are all you get...


That will really suck for me if I can only do it through server interfaces

You must be missing a configuration setting, I can see and access DBs in the 1500 we have.

ok will keep looking for that setting then

Here's where they show up on ours:

Digging into it more myself, but it appears that that is not available yet on the 1500 HA PLC "yet". 3.1 firmware update for TIA V19 added the OPC UA server for 1500 HA (redundant) PLC but looks like they didn't include the Simatic Server Interface which is what you are looking at there.

When you select something from there can you give an example of the OPC Item path it gives you?

These Nodes have verbose but predictable NodeIds that you can build UDTs against: ns=3;s="SymbolicTest_Unoptimized"."instance_ScalarTypes"."DWORD"

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Maybe you can have some luck with SiOME (
It works for s7-1200 so maybe it will help on s7-1500 HA
We're using it for some of our 1200 that we want to access with symbolic names instead of the node ids.
A bit of a pain to use when showing arrays but it does the work

Ok I was able to setup something with SiOME, but based on what I am reading elsewhere in this forum is I should try to grab the UDT as a document / structure. I believe this is built into the standard siemens OPC interface but that doesn't exist on the 1500 RH OPC yet.

Does anyone know how I can change this setup so that Ignition can pull the full structure as a single JSON?

I believe I need to change the node class... But not sure what to change it to.

Reviving this topic to ask if you ever found how to pull full structures as JSON.
We just bought a 1500 RH and I REALLY don't want to address and poll all these tags individually.
I hope Siemens adds support for this soon.

I gave up trying to get it to work. With the quantity of tags we had in our system and expected changes over time it wasn't feasible to use direct Ignition -- siemens redundancy system. Non redundancy can auto build the OPC tags in siemens but that isn't developed yet on siemens for redundancy.

We went with kepware in the middle.

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