Siemens S7 and DB2

Hi Nathan,

I see your name a lot in all kinds of fora about this subject (Linux SCADA) and you almost got me convinced :slight_smile:
I’m planning to integrate a SCADA system in an high tech /low automated production plant for my bachelor degree and of the three serious options I think your product is the most mature.

Now the question: what do I need (hard- and software) to hook-up several Siemens S7 PLC’s to your SCADA system and can I use DB2 as database?

Our software is Windows based, primarily because OPC-DA is currently the best way to communicate with PLCs and it’s Windows based. Since FactoryPMI runs on Java, you would be able to use Linux machines as clients. While I would recommend MySQL, you could easily use DB2.

Here’s what you would need:
A single Windows PC to install DB2, FactorySQL, FactoryPMI, and an OPC server on (they don’t all need to be on the same computer). You can play with free trials of both FactorySQL and FactoryPMI. They are fully functional, but limited to 2 hour runtimes that can be easily reset as many times as you wish. I would recommend downloading KepServer Ex to connect to your S7. Kepware has a similar arrangement with a free 2 hour at a time trial.

You should be able to get away with doing this project with a zero software cost. The documentation for both pieces of software is included. Post additional questions to our forum.

Hi Nathan,

thanks for the reply but what did you mean with:
“FactoryPMI is a low cost commercial SCADA package that will run on both Windows and Linux. You can download a fully functional free trial (limited to 2 hour runtime at a time) from the web site.” as a reply on a question at about a SCADA product that would run on both Windows and lINUX?
Did you mean clients only?


Yes, I was referring to the fact that our clients run on Linux or Windows. The FactoryPMI server is currently set up to run on Windows only. FactoryPMI is written in Java, thus it could easily run on Linux - something that we have done before. In actuality we’ve had almost zero demand for the server to run on Linux. This is largely due to the Windows dependency on OPC for device connectivity. FactoryPMI currently uses a Windows based installer and wraps the application up as a Windows service for ease of use.