Simatic WinCC 7.5 and SQL server without runtime

hello, im new scada learner and i have simatic wincc7.5, i made a wincc program and tags and tag logging i can write the data to sql when runtime is open, how can i write the data permanently when runtime is closed ?

Hi, I think there may be some confusion. Are you using WinCC? If so that is made by Siemens so maybe check out their support page. This forum is for Ignition specifically. In Ignition you can use a shutdown event to run some code after a session is closed.

To be fair... this is the general discussion section, so non-ignition discussion is ok.

You might find someone here who knows WinCC enough to help you out, but your best bet would be to contact Siemens directly to communicate about this.

Im not a Siemens guy, but I'd say you would need to run it as a service.

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