So the drawing tools are unavailable for use in perspective, so I imported some SVG lines that i imported from inkscape, just simple horizontal and vertical lines because we don’t want to use the pipes that are in symbol factory. I’ve found that I had to change the aspect ration to none (i’m using XY coordiante container) for these lines to scale right. Even then, they are a hassle to elongate because my mouse always wants to grab the corner of the pipe component, so when I stretch a vertical section of pipe to make it longer, I always alter the horizontal aspect just a little bit, and then I end up with pipes that aren’t exactly the same diameter, and it’s very time consuming just to draw clean lines. What am I doing wrong?
Nothing it’s really time consuming. But you can draw your whole p&I’d in inkscape . Put meaningful label & ID for component and put all the object in page area of inkscape. The page size in pixel should be match with your final view size.
At this point make backup of your file.
Now delete every thing except pipeline and save this new file and import it in perspective.
Now can I put your devices like valve pump,… By creating embedded view template. Draw single line and put them in perspective is very hard.
Don’t do that.
There are some feature in inkscape that doesn’t work correctly in perspective like gradients.
I did exactly what you said: developed P&ID in inkscape at a resolution of 800X600 (same resolution of view in perspective). I imported the SVG file into my embedded view as my P&ID. But, when I place components over the pipelines, once I lauch the client, the pumps/vales are a few inches off from where they should be.
I notice that when I shrink the screen down to the right size the components line up with the inkscape template. The containers are set to percent as well.
I was on the phone with ignition tech support for a while yesterday and Austin played around with numerous configurations and screen sizes to get this to work and we always ran into the same problem: when you have two SVGs stacked on top of each other, one being a very large template and the other a small component, the alignment changes some once you launch the client and things get out of place
I think perspective’s main purpose right now is to provide a responsive mobile first Interface which can work on any mobile device like smart phones or tablets with ease. The vision module supports coordinated graphics which is not so suitable for mobile devices due to its inherent non responsive nature.I guess future versions of perspective will support coordinated SVG graphics as well that will have vision like graphics support as well. So I guess at the moment vision is best for desktop (non mobile) clients and Perspective for mobile clients.
Did you set coordinate container to fix mode? this happen if you set it to percent.
I was on the phone with ignition tech support for a while yesterday and Austin played around with numerous configurations and screen sizes to get this to work and we always ran into the same problem: when you have two SVGs stacked on top of each other, one being a very large template and the other a small component, the alignment changes some once you launch the client and things get out of place.
Austin recommended the best workaround to be cutting my process diagram into smaller SVGs and using those, or just importing the ones that are already on symbol factory.
We are using percent view. Would it have to he fixed for your method to work? We don’t really want those scroll bars.
I think probably the biggest disappointment with perspective is how we can’t group and subgroup components. If I could import my template process diagram, and then separate the SVG into the individual components(pipes, valves, boxes) It would be so much easier to develop. With vision, that’s every easy to do
Not sure why one needs to draw template using external tool like inkspace and import the svg file in perspective? Why not draw directly using perspective? Doesn’t it support the drawing primitives? What is the difficulty? Sorry I haven’t tried the perspective tool that much !
Perspective doesn't have drawing tools yet. But they are planned.
Ok got it. Incidentally, it may be a digression , but we have tried to develop a simple svg based HMI which is written in JavaScript. Don’t know if it can be embedded in perspective and integrated with the tags data base. At least it may be of academic interest to some !
I face this problem before there is only one way for workaround this.
- Use fix mode.
- draw and design your p&id for the target resolution. Don’t worry for scaling because chrome will scale the page for high dpi screen for you.
You can group object by simply put object in a container.
If you insist to use percent mode you can draw and group every thing in inkscape with proper naming. And them when you import them in perspective you can access all items in property of svg and bind the color and visibility to tags.
It is a little hard but it’s good for small drawing. Even inkscape has functionality to create it’s own template.