Six Month Downtime report

I am trying to create a report that shows the past 6 months of based on downtime reason.
The rows in a chart would be the downtime reason and the columns would be each month.

I have one query that returns all downtime reasons for the past 6 months. The downtime reasons are dynamic and can be added by an operator.
I have another query that takes a down time reason parameter, and returns the past 6 months duration based on the month.

I am trying to use data from the first query to iterate in a second query and combine that data using a script.

Query 1

SELECT downtime_reason_code.downtime_id AS dtId
FROM downtime
  INNER JOIN downtime_reason_code ON downtime_reason_code.downtime_id =
WHERE (downtime.reason BETWEEN 11 AND 23) OR
    	(downtime.reason > 50) AND month(downtime.t_stamp)<=month(now())
GROUP BY downtime_reason_code.downtime_id

Query 2

	MONTH(downtime.t_stamp) AS dtMonth,
  Sum(DISTINCT downtime.duration) /60 AS Sum_duration,
  Count(DISTINCT downtime.downtime_ndx) AS Count_downtime_ndx
FROM downtime
  INNER JOIN downtime_reason_code ON downtime_reason_code.downtime_id =
WHERE month(downtime.t_stamp)<=month(now()) AND
    	(downtime.reason = ?)
GROUP BY downtime_reason_code.description, MONTH(downtime.t_stamp)
ORDER BY  MONTH(downtime.t_stamp) DESC


	dtReason = data['dtReason'].getCoreResults()
	dtReasonDataset = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dtReason)
	headers = ['description', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3']
	dataOut = []
	for reason in dtReasonDataset:
		data['currentReason1'] = reason[0]
		dtDuration = data['dtDuration'].getCoreResults()
		dtDurationDataset = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dtDuration)
		for duration in dtDurationDataset:
			if duration[0] == 10:
				m1 = duration[1]
			if duration[0] == 9:
				m2 = duration[1]
			if duration[0] == 8:
				m3 = duration[1]
	data['dtDataCombined'] = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, dataOut)

I am not sure how to use the data from the first query into the second query

It seems like it would be simpler to just combine the two queries into one. This would eliminate the need for subsequent scripting iterations:

	downtime_reason_code.downtime_id AS dtId,
	MONTH(downtime.t_stamp) AS dtMonth,
  Sum(DISTINCT downtime.duration) /60 AS Sum_duration,
  Count(DISTINCT downtime.downtime_ndx) AS Count_downtime_ndx
FROM downtime
  INNER JOIN downtime_reason_code ON downtime_reason_code.downtime_id =
WHERE (month(downtime.t_stamp)<=month(now()) AND
    	(downtime.reason = ?)) 
        ((downtime.reason BETWEEN 11 AND 23) OR
    	(downtime.reason > 50) AND month(downtime.t_stamp)<=month(now()))
GROUP BY downtime_reason_code.description, MONTH(downtime.t_stamp)
ORDER BY  MONTH(downtime.t_stamp) DESC;
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When I try to load the data into a table that query would not display the way I would like it.

I would like the data to look like the following

Description | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | etc.
Reason 01 | 12.34 | 43.21 | 11.11. | xx.xx
Reason 02 | xx.xx | xx.xx | xx.xx. | xx.xx
Reason 03 | | | |

In the query I get this;

@jsteele - Somehow I overlooked your reply. Did you ever come up with a solution to this problem, or are you still working on it?

I am still trying to figure it out.

If anybody wants to take a crack at this, I've set up a test database with sample data and a query that are similar to his here: Test SQL.

Using the test data generated by the sample query in my previous post, I was able to script the pivot you are wanting. One noteworthy change I made to the original query is that I added this as the second line:
downtime_reason_code.description as Description
This generates the downtime description column that seems to be necessary for the desired outcome depicted in your post

For testing, I used a power table, and I added a custom dataset property called rawData. I then used a SQL Query binding to bind the dataset to the data returned from the sample query.

The following script ran from a test button produces the desired result:

from java.text import DateFormatSymbols
rawData = event.source.parent.getComponent('Power Table').rawData
iterators = []
headers = ['Description']
data = []
for row in range(rawData.getRowCount()):
	value = rawData.getValueAt(row, "dtMonth")
	if value not in iterators:
		headers.append(DateFormatSymbols().getMonths()[value - 1])
for row in range(rawData.getRowCount()):
	target = rawData.getValueAt(row, "Description")
	dataRow = [target]
	for iterator in iterators:
		dataRowAddition = None
		for row in range(rawData.getRowCount()):
			targetValue = rawData.getValueAt(row, "Description")
			iteratorValue = rawData.getValueAt(row, "dtMonth")
			downTimeValue = rawData.getValueAt(row, "Sum_duration")
			if target == targetValue and iterator == iteratorValue:
				dataRowAddition = downTimeValue
dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)
event.source.parent.getComponent('Power Table').data = system.dataset.sort(dataset, 0)

The preceding code fired from a button's actionPerformed event handler produces the following result when the button and power table are both nested directly on the root container:

The code first builds a list of headers based on the months that are in the dtMonth column. Then it just iterates through the raw data and builds the rows matching up the the reason code with downtime sums based on the month integers.

This script could be adapted for a power table's initialize extension function by replacing event.source.parent.getComponent('Power Table') with self, so the data is loaded when the power table is first created. Just remember when testing that the initialize extension function doesn't fire inside the design environment, so it will have to be tested in a launched application.

	dtReason = data['monthReason'].getCoreResults()
	rawData = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dtReason)
	iterators = []
	headers = ['Description']
	dataDtRows = []
	#get all the months
	for row in range(rawData.getRowCount()):
		value = rawData.getValueAt(row, "dtMonth")
		if value not in iterators:
			headers.append(DateFormatSymbols().getMonths()[value - 1])
	#Get all Descriptions
	for row in range(rawData.getRowCount()):
		target = rawData.getValueAt(row, "Description")
		#Only add ones that are not in the list
		if not any(target in element for element in dataDtRows):
			dataRow = [target]
			for iterator in iterators:
				dataRowAddition = None
				for row in range(rawData.getRowCount()):
					targetValue = rawData.getValueAt(row, "Description")
					iteratorValue = rawData.getValueAt(row, "dtMonth")
					downTimeValue = rawData.getValueAt(row, "Sum_duration")
					if target == targetValue and iterator == iteratorValue:
						dataRowAddition = downTimeValue
	dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, dataDtRows)
	data['downtimeRows'] = system.dataset.sort(dataset, 0)

I had to add if not any(target in element for element in dataDtRows): to remove duplicates

Thanks @justinedwards.jle for your help solving this issue

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