Why when I open the Vision client, the main windows that I create on the Designer are not in all the available space in the Vision Client window? How can i solve this?
As you can see the docked window(the one with date and logged user) cover all the space while the main windows seems to allocate some space for the border, leaving empty spaces on the left and on the right (highlighted with red hand-made drawings)…
Couple of things to look at to fix this.
- The Vision Property Editor for the window has a Size property under Layout. (Aspect Ratio)
- You can select each, or all, of the components then right-click for layout setup (Relative, Anchored)
Thank you for the rapid answers. Very useful!
I solved it by removing the “Mantain Aspect Ratio” on some component and mantaining it on some others (such as the images because otherwise it stretch them).
Is there a way in the designer to change the resolution size of an entire window or project to attempt like an auto rescale? Similar to this post and several others my menu bar dock spans the entire screen but main screen was designed for a different aspect ratio so it has large gaps on the sides. I've tried messing with component layout options but haven't gotten a combo of them to really flex well with both 1920x1080 (16:9) and 1280x1024 (4:3).
We plan to have monitors in both sizes depending on the cell being brought in so I was hoping there'd be a feature similar to how Rockwell's FTView Studio attempts to resize all components in a window to match new resolution size. Otherwise, right now if we want to change a window from 4:3 to 16:9 I have to go resize all the components individually.
Eventually I think we may get to the point of developing these local HMIs in perspective and try to leverage flex containers, but we haven't gotten enough experience with it and the component palette offering is a bit stronger in Vision so we'll be continuing in that platform for now.
Appreciate any feedback on options!
For simple windows that display a table or a chart, I often add a listener to the root container, and use transform to resize the components as needed at run time, but I imagine this approach would be difficult to maintain in complex HMIs.
PSA if you landed here after googling why your vision windows are all screwed up even though your window pixels add up to your display resolution, remember to set your scaling to 100% (from the default 125%) under your system display settings if you're on a windows machine