Slow Tag Load 7.3.3

Since upgrading from 7.2.7 to 7.3.3 I have notices that tags are slow to load in the run time application. They load ok once the screen has been opened and I return to it but if I log out and log back in they are slow again. Just wondering if there is something that has changed which may be causing slow loading


Well, there is in fact something that has changed, but I’m not sure the effect should be too noticeable.

Are those the only tags on the screen? How long does it take for them to come in?

To verify that it’s being caused by the change I have in mind, try this:

  1. Log into the gateway, go to “Console” and then “Levels”
  2. Search for “TagStore”
  3. For your provider’s tag store, set the log level to “Debug”
  4. Reload your client

In your console, you should have a message like:
“Internal tag store loaded X tags in Y ms”

Let me know what it says. Also, after you’ve done this, you might want to set the logger back to Info.


Hi Colby

These would not be the only tags on the screen. There would be approximately 70 tags on the screen in question but every screen behaves the same regardless of the number of tags on the screen. The group of tags I have shown are indirect tags that are displayed on a mouse enter event. It takes approximately 5 seconds for them to load. I am wondering if it has anything to do with the scan class of the tags? I have many scan classes with 3-5 second scan times. I will try changing the scan class tomorrow and see if it makes a difference. I tried what you suggested and I have attached a screen shot of the console messages.



Were all of those messages the result of a single screen loading? Obviously the tag load times are great, but they seem to be coming in in groups several seconds apart.

Anyhow, I think the problem could be more on the indirect reference and perhaps scan class side of things. I’ll try to mock something like that up and see if it’s reproducible. If so, it shouldn’t be too hard to improve.


Hi Colby

The messages would have been from the one screen. I have my tags broken out in many folders which might explain why they are coming in in groups. I will wait an see if you can replicate the issue




Just an update on this. The slow tag loads was from the client poll rate setting in project properties. I had it set to 1000. I reduced to 250 and tags are loading much faster now. This was not an issue until I upgraded from 7.2.7 to 7.3.3



I just started getting a similar loading problem when I upgraded my server to 7.4.2 (b953). My tags within the project are taking a long time to load. I went into the Console and set the TagStore to debug mode. The messages say loading 1 tag at a time and they are taking on average >300ms to load. I am going to try and revert to a previous server version for the time being, just thought you guys would want to know about this.



That is indeed strange. You would always see the message for 1 tag at a time, but it should only take a few milliseconds. Do you have a lot of tags? If you want, I can set up a ticket that you can upload your internal db to, and we can take a look to see what might be causing the slow performance.


Hi Colby,

Thanks for the reply. I was able to find my problem. Earlier today I added a PLC to the project but I hadn’t looked at the tags in it yet to see what was there. Just looked there and noticed that there are A LOT of tags, mostly unnecessary tags. So I am going through and removing them. I’m thinking this should fix my problem. Just so happened that this morning I upgraded and I attributed the slowness to something in there. Sorry about that, should have realized it was something I did. Usually is :smiley:
