SMS Protocol PTP

I’m ordering new type of SMS modem device that use PTP protocol this is available on SMS module in ignition?
it will work properly?

The SMS module is made for Sierra Wireless Airlink models and the protocol it uses. It’s unlikely your modem will work unless it’s one of these.

I may be wrong on this but I believe that the PTP(Point to Point) protocol is actually used between the Modem and the ISP Carrier - This part should have nothing to do with Ignition.

Ignition will trigger an “Event” and the Modem will react to that “Event”!

Thanks for answering!
So if I’m getting right Sierra Wireless GL Series E is fine?

I don't know, this isn't one of the models we test with or recommend. I believe we have only tested AirLink RV50/RV50X or RV55/RV55X.

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