Snowflake database connection

Hi , I wanted to connect to snowflake database with ignition and also login through SSO authentication. Can anyone suggest me how to do it??

I have already referred to the other links and configured the driver and the translator, now stuck on the connection part.

Ignition makes database connections from the gateway, not from a client, so SSO isn't applicable. All Ignition clients will use the same database credentials, as it will be the gateway making a persistent database connection.

i have followed the steps mentioned in this post(

But im getting this error can you help me why im getting this ?
Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (JDBC driver encountered communication error. Message: No trusted certificate found.)

Sounds like a certificate issue with your database connection.

A quick google search renders this: Snowflake Community

I tried everything but i dont know why the connection status is stuck at reconnecting.

There should be log entries corresponding to each failed connection attempt.

I checked in the logs , there is no record of any error.
plus the connection status is not turning to error as well its just in reconnecting status.

Could it be related to firewall issue?

Of course a firewall could be the problem. Or some IT security proxy that is messing with certificates. You need someone looking over your shoulder. IA support can do that.