(SocketTimeoutException:Read Timed out ) after 7.3.1 upgrade

I manually copied the file above that was downloaded using my browser to the following folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\user.ignition\cache\gwMyServer_8088_8043_main\C0

I then executed the designer jlnp file and I am now able to open the designer.

There has to be a better way. What happens when we have large projects? Will we need to download jars manually on all clients?

It’s not the size of the project in this case, it’s this one particular module that gets loaded in the Designer that is large (~20mb).

Also, I still think that it’s something particular to your setup, since nobody else is having this problem.

I’ve built a special version of the bootstrap launcher (that’s what does the downloading) to give us a bit more information about the download.

  1. Shut down your Gateway.
  2. Backup the files under [tt]%IGNITION_INSTALL_DIR%/lib/core/launch[/tt]
  3. I’ve attached a zip file. Unpack it’s contents into that directory.
  4. Start the Gateway back up.
  5. Clear the Java cache on the client machine that exhibits the issue. [tt]Control Panel > Java > “Settings…” > “Delete Files…”[/tt]
  6. Clear the Ignition client cache on the same machine. It’s stored under [tt]%USER_DIR%/.ignition)[/tt]

Try again and post the client launch logs.
dist.zip (321 KB)

It looks like the download is just timing out. I don’t know why it will finish using a browser and not through your process. Can we extend the timeout period?
JavaConsoleLog.20111208.txt (20.8 KB)

Yes, I understand that it’s timing out. And we could increase the timeout. What I’m confused about is why your download speed between this client and the gateway is so slow. You’re averaging 11.5 kb/sec transfer. That’s really slow. That’s like dial-up modem slow. (marginally faster, but same order of magnitude). At that speed, it would take you about 20 minutes to download that jar file that you’re getting stuck on.

Whats the network situation like between this client and the gateway? Something is very wrong. How long did it take to download that jar in the browser?

it takes less than a minute to download using the browser.

This was a configuration issue on the Server. Someone had set the NIC at 100/Half duplex… I am sorry to take your time. Thank you for your help.

It now takes 15 seconds to download everything, with cache cleared.

[quote=“ecujak”]This was a configuration issue on the Server. Someone had set the NIC at 100/Half duplex… I am sorry to take your time. Thank you for your help.[/quote]Huh, that’s a new one. Glad you got it figured out.

[quote=“ecujak”]It now takes 15 seconds to download everything, with cache cleared.[/quote]That’s more like it!