[SOLVED] How to get a unique list from a bigger list of lists based on 1 criteria

Good evening,

I have an m by n table with a column called p. How can I get all 1 row per unique p value into a new table i by j?


  a       b      c      p      d
  1       2      1      1      'aab'
  1       1      1      2      'aac'
  3       3      1      2      'aad'
  3       2      2      3      'aag'

would become:

  a       b      c      p      d
  1       2      1      1      'aab'
  1       1      1      2      'aac'
  3       2      2      3      'aag'

I’ve broken down the first table into a list of lists but I can’t come up with a method for deleting the 3rd row in the table to get the new table.

Any help is much appreciated.

listIn = [[1, 2, 1, 1, 'aab'],
          [1, 1, 1, 2, 'aac'],
          [3, 3, 1, 2, 'aad'], 
          [3, 2, 2, 3, 'aag']]

existsList =[]

listOut =[]

for row in listIn
	if row[3] not in existsList:

print listOut

If you are running with very large datasets, use a set or dict instead of a list for tracking existence.

output = []
seen = set()
for keyID, line, verName, modelDescrip, menGrp, staNo, seq, workCell, t_Sec, mCode, description, key_Point, quality_Chk, partNo, partName, scan, scan_req, pic, videoFileName, userAck in tbl:
   if seq in seen:
   output.append([keyID, line, verName, modelDescrip, menGrp, staNo, seq, workCell, t_Sec, mCode, description, key_Point, quality_Chk, partNo, partName, scan, scan_req, pic, videoFileName, userAck])

A user on Stackoverflow was able to come up with the above code but I like yours better and will probably implement it at some point this weekend.

At the end of the day I don’t think it will be ever going over 100 rows but there is no rule stating they can’t have 10k rows i guess.

The code from Stackoverflow is using tuple unpacking to place the data into named variables. While handy if you have complex expressions to do, it is pointless in your case. I do like the use of continue for loop short-circuit and the use of the set. I would blend the two implementations.

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Took me a while to understand what you meant about unpacking tuples but after reading about Python collections (arrays), Ignition Datasets, and Ignition PyDataSets I have a better understanding of how all the pieces fit together. Thanks for the insight.

output = []
seen = set()
for row in tbl:
    if row['seq'] in seen: