Hello there, I would like to use one desktop and have more windows, lets explain myself:
I have a navigation bar, then if I do clic in one of the tabs, a window will open individually.
Does anyone know how to do it? Because the window only appears by side of the navigation bar and I want it individually.
Please show a mockup of what you want. I think you want system.nav.openWindowInstance(), but your explanation isn't clear.
I need to open different instances of windows from a navigation bar (the navigation bar have buttons that open different windows) without the property docked
Define your window as a popup, not a main window. The return value from openWindowInstance()
is a window object, which has a .setLocation() method or can be passed to system.nav.centerWindow().
I found this alternative in case someone else need it:
system.gui.openDesktop(windows='Windows/Order Start', title='f', handle='e')
After press a button, this open only one window individually as I need it.
Thank you so much for your time. (The window with the title "f", is the individually window after press the button).
I tried with openWindowInsance, but appeared with the navigation bar.