I am working on a project that when boiled down just needs to search a DB. I have the DB setup and have data coming in. But without going in the weeds too much, the incoming data is very dense and disorganized. Looking like this...
It's a long string consisting of a Tag ID, Sector, and Time., for multiple entries. I need this data to be searchable, specifically the Tag ID. Someone is going to enter a Tag ID number in a website, and it will tell them the sector it's in and the last time it was seen. It needs to only select the most recent Tag ID, and the data of Tag Id, Sector, and Time need to stick together bc they are for unique tags.
My question is, can I make a query that does all this in the query, or should I organize the data first? I'm leaning towards organizing the data, and can I do that to the incoming data? Like take the message and parse it out to separate columns and rows for each tag, or should I let the data land in the table it is and then have a script create a separate table from that table and that's the one I search.
Also know that changing how the data is sent is not an option at this point, it was an uphill battle to get to this point and any change or variation will have a massive impact that will mess everything up. I need a working product as soon as possible, an improvement or V2 is always possible at a later time. Right now, I have to work with what I got.
I've tried searching the forum and watching the Induction University videos, and I was going in so many different directions I wasn't getting anywhere. I'm hoping someone can straighten me out and provide some guidance. So far everyone here has helped me a tremendous amount and I'm so thankful this resource is here. TIA.