Sorting File Explorer?

Is there any to Sort File Explorer window so New Files show at the Top? It appears folders and oldest files appear at top for me currently?

Maybe there’s some secret syntax to embed into root directory or file filer that will do sorting?

The sorting is in a fixed order in the File Explorer – directories first, then files. Files are sorted by the system display name as Java supplies it to us. It must be a coincidence that the oldest files are appearing at the top for you.

This is the kind of thing that makes a good suggestion at our ideas forum:slight_smile:

Thanks for the link to the ideas forum. I heard about it but never posted.
I abandoned the File Explorer and I just use a Button where I open the Network Folder using"file://")

I found the above hint from another Forum post. It seems like the file:// works for files and folders.

I am replicating an existing application(eventually extending) so I just need to let users know where the new reports are and visual verification that it is saving a new Report each time. .

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