Source for Dairy Simulator

Any chance we can get the source for the dairy simulator? It would be a great starting point for getting started on custom drivers.

That’s probably not going to happen, primarily because it’s actually a very poor example of how to write a driver.

There’s already two examples included in the SDK, the simple “weather” driver, and the source code to the Modbus driver.

That being said, soon, probably for 7.3.2, there will be a new example and some new base/helper classes for easily creating drivers that aren’t intended to be as complex as something like the Modbus driver.

Sounds reasonibable. Any time frame on 7.3.2?

Also, I probably don’t have the SDK setup correctly, but I’m showing errors on the SimpleTagProvider right now:

Project 'SimpleTagProviderExample' is missing required Java project: 'SRCommon' Project 'SimpleTagProviderExample' is missing required Java project: 'SRGatewayAPI'

Right-click the project, go to Java Build path, Projects tab, remove those entries.

You should only need to have the Module SDK jars on your build path in the Libraries tab.