Splitter Tag Provider disabled

I created Splitter Tag provider connected to two DB providers which is running . But it's showing disabled . i noticed no error in the log . What's the possible causes for that to track . Any advice.
i am using version 8.1.35

Is it enabled?

Yes, it's enabled

Screenshots of the Database connections screen and Tag History Providers screen would probably be helpful.

In the Designer tag browser do you see 2 options for Storage Providers in the dropdown menu under History?


Three Provider aviablble and working fine as stand alone .

When combine any of two of them as splitter , Splitter Provide shwoing Disable .

@Chris_Nathan any guidance and steps to check it !

It looks like your "DB" connection has spaces in its names. That would be bad.

Sorry for the delay. I took a bit of time to try and replicate and was unable to do so on 8.1.35. Notable however, is that I did not replicate using the AWS Postgres instance as you did.

I did:

  • Ignition 8.1.35
  • MySQL 8.0: db1
  • MySQL 8.0: db2
  • Tag History Splitter: splitter1

I did not have any issues doing so. At this point, I would recommend getting in touch with our support team. They would be happy to help you troubleshoot, as I suspect there is something nuanced going on with the Datasource History providers that you are using.

Also, related to @pturmel 's recommendation, I assume you have modified the screenshots to hide the DB connection name as I was unable to add any spaces in a database connection name, so thankfully while his concern is valid, I don't think that is possible.