SQL Binding Update Query Disabled

FYI - I just sent this off to support, but it took us a day of head scratching to find it, so wanted to give others a heads up if they encounter the same.

After upgrading to 7.9.9 (from 7.9.8) in one of our projects, the Update query on a SQL binding was disabled. We had to go back in, manually enable and re-publish.

{ Giggle… }
Sorry, been there, done that (overshoot on a bugfix). /-:

ahhhh yup, I see it now. V7.9.8 Query Update Issue

I just checked in one of my projects, where I have many screens with many numeric fields that have property binding to the both (select and update) database queries. Every property that I checked was OK (Update query was NOT unchecked).
I updated my virtual machine yesterday to the 7.9.9. Interesting…:innocent: