I have to add net and defects to the table, then also line and a percentage of defects per net
However, I am not getting an error, yet it is not working.
time is going too long on the script execute, says interrupt on the button
I defined reasonHeaders and suffixHeaders.
for row in dataIn:
data=[row[colName] for colName in reasonHeaders]
pareto = [[x, y] for y, x in reversed(sorted(zip(data, reasonHeaders)))]
#print pareto
for row in dataIn:
data2=[row[colName] for colName in suffixHeaders]
testThis =[[x,y] for y, x in zip(data2,suffixHeaders)]
print testThis
for row in pareto:
for col in pareto:
print '-----'
print pareto
I thought if I got them both in lists, I could do something like:
for column append
keeps timing out, I am reviewing append function