Using Ignition 8.1.44 with the latest SQL drivers. Connecting to Microsoft SQL server
I have a named Query called Recipe Read. It pulls in values from my SQL server. When I run RecipeRead from the testing area of the query builder - the ignition server has no quarentine items.
I run Recipe Read by way of a pushbutton - and I get an error for "cannot convert UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN". The most interesting part of the entire situation is that in the SQL quarentine when I look at the XML file, it is also looking for a row that is no longer in the table (timestamp_ndx - I deleted it because it wasn't used as an index, was never written to - and has previously caused type issues).
I tried to start type casting the SQL query - but that did not help. Any thoughts?
Here is the button:
data = system.db.runNamedQuery("RecipeRead" , {"RecipeNumber":RecipeID})
# '[PLC_Tag_Provider]Recipe/RecipeNumber']#,
# '[PLC_Tag_Provider]Recipe/RecipeDateTime']
#values = [row [col] for row in system.dataset.toPyDataSet(data) for col in row]
for row in range(data.getRowCount()):
for col in range(data.getColumnCount()):
#system.perspective.print(data.getValueAt(row, col))
values.insert(col,data.getValueAt(row, col))
type or paste code here