SQL Query type unknown as unknown

Using Ignition 8.1.44 with the latest SQL drivers. Connecting to Microsoft SQL server

I have a named Query called Recipe Read. It pulls in values from my SQL server. When I run RecipeRead from the testing area of the query builder - the ignition server has no quarentine items.

I run Recipe Read by way of a pushbutton - and I get an error for "cannot convert UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN". The most interesting part of the entire situation is that in the SQL quarentine when I look at the XML file, it is also looking for a row that is no longer in the table (timestamp_ndx - I deleted it because it wasn't used as an index, was never written to - and has previously caused type issues).

I tried to start type casting the SQL query - but that did not help. Any thoughts?

Here is the button:

data = system.db.runNamedQuery("RecipeRead" , {"RecipeNumber":RecipeID})
#	'[PLC_Tag_Provider]Recipe/RecipeNumber']#,
#	'[PLC_Tag_Provider]Recipe/RecipeDateTime']
#values = [row [col] for row in system.dataset.toPyDataSet(data) for col in row]
for row in range(data.getRowCount()):
    for col in range(data.getColumnCount()):
       #system.perspective.print(data.getValueAt(row, col))
       values.insert(col,data.getValueAt(row, col))
type or paste code here

The full error message would be useful, but the first thing to try is to make sure that the type of the RecipeID variable you're passing in is actually what it's supposed to be - as in, if it's expected to be numeric by the database, are you in fact passing a string, or vice versa?

I would be happy to grab you the full error message - all I know of is that I see in the SQL Quarantine page in the gateway - would I find it in the gateway logs?

The RecipeID is numeric (an int4 type) - and the most perplexing is that the script functions, even though I see the error on the gateway when both RecipeRead is operated by way of the pushbutton or the query builder test window.