SQL Select after Update shows old data

I'm trying to update some values in my Database via SQL Update named query pulling data from a Table Component.

The "submit" button runs the Update query and correctly uploads the data to the database (Checked both from the SQL Management Studio and by running the "Select" Named Query that populates the table fields in the Designer.) but if I do so from the "refresh" button I don't see updated data but a version that's "old" by an order of minutes UNLESS it's the first "Update" that is done on the table (Either via Named Query or by directly editing the Table data) in a while.

The script is correctly running and the issue lies in the "Query" results themselves (I have made sure by just shoving the query results directly into a test variable and it's not a matter of transitioning the data into the Table but of the query results themselves)

Is there any kind of timeout regarding to data updates of which I am unaware? Don't exclude dumb solutions\mistakes which I may have forgotten to consider as I am quite new to SCADA\Database interactions.

It would be best if you showed your button scripts.

Have you enabled named query caching? If you did, I don't think the changes would show until a certain amount of time for the cache to refresh.

Cache Quering was the issue.
I've been chekcing around all kinds of settings and it obviously was the button right in my face.

Thank you very much.

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