I am wondering if it's possible to get the return code from the stored procedure when I run an update query. "Update", in this context, is the Ignition query type, the actual procedure runs a couple of insert statements.
Stored Procedures return a code, depending on success or failure, and I would like to get the zero code on success to tell the user that the inserts were successful.
The update query takes a bunch of parameters, sends those to the sproc.
query = 'myUpdateQuery'
params = {about 40 items...}
system.perspective.runNamedQuery(query, params)
Query statement:
EXEC dbo.usp_InsertSurveyData :p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7, :p8, :p9, :p10, :p11, :p12,
:p13, :p14, :p15, :p16, :p17, :p18, :p19, :p20, :p21, :p22, :p23, :p24, :p25, :p26,
:p27, :p28, :p29, :p30, :p31, :p32, :p33, :p34, :p35, :p36, :p37, :p38, :p39, :dept, :shift, :position
If I change this to a "Scalar Query" and attempt to get the result...it does not work.
Anyone know of a way to do this?