SQL Table Query's

Doing something in VB.net Application and was wondering if their is a way to do it in Ignition. First I query a SQL table and save that to a Data Table. I then use a For Loop to use that tables row info to run another query and write the info row by row into a new table. Since I am not super familiar with scripting I am not sure it’s limitations or power. Below is a sample of my VB.net code. Point in the right direction or any help you can suggest. Thanks in advance, Keith

 MyConnection.Open() 'Opens the SQL Connection

        'Search Parameters
        Dim SQLString As String

        DTstation.Rows.Clear() 'Clears Previous Rows
        DTstation.Columns.Clear() 'Clears Previous Columns

        'SQL Query to collect station Info
        Try 'Try catch error checking For SQL Server Connection
            'SQL String Defining the Database Query
            SQLString = "SELECT StationID FROM StationID WHERE ProductLine = '" & Vline & "' " & _
            "AND Active = 'Yes' Order BY [StationOrder] ASC"

            Dim Adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(SQLString, MyConnection) 'Tells the Adapter How to get the Data
            Adapter.Fill(DTstation) 'Fill the Data Table with the Query Data

        Catch ex As Exception
            'Exception Error Message that will Display
            MsgBox("Station List Error " & _
                   ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
        End Try

        MyConnection.Close() 'Opens the SQL Connection

        DTFinal.Rows.Clear() 'Clears Previous Rows
        DTFinal.Columns.Clear() 'Clears Previous Columns

        'Creates The Data Table for display
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("Station Order", GetType(String))
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("Workstation", GetType(String))
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("Total Complete", GetType(String))
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("Passed FPY", GetType(String))
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("Failed FPY", GetType(String))
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("AVG Time", GetType(String))
        DTFinal.Columns.Add("FPY%", GetType(String))

        MyConnection.Open() 'Opens the SQL Connection

        For Each row As DataRow In DTstation.Rows 'This is the DT for the Machine Names
            For Each Cell As String In row.ItemArray 'This Loops Through the Machine Names

                'Query to return the machine Name Utilization, and Date for each Machine on that day
                    Dim cmdstring As String = "SELECT " & _
                    "CycleTime.STOrder AS [Station Order], " & _
                    "CycleTime.STATION [Station], " & _
                    "SUM(CycleTime.FirstPass) + SUM(CycleTime.Failed)AS [Total Units], " & _
                    "SUM(CycleTime.FirstPass) AS [QTY Passed FPY], " & _
                    "SUM(CycleTime.Failed) as [QTY Failed FPY], " & _
                    "Cast(AVG(CycleTime)as decimal(10,1)) as [Avg. Time Minutes], " & _
                    "Cast(COALesce(Cast(SUM(CycleTime.FirstPass)AS Real) " & _
                    "/ NullIF(Cast(SUM(CycleTime.FirstPass) + SUM(CycleTime.Failed)AS ReAL),0),0) * " & _
                    "100 AS DECIMAL(10,3)) AS [FPY %] " & _
                    "FROM CycleTime " & _
                    "Where ProductionLine = '" & Vline & "' " & _
                    "AND STATION = '" & Cell & "' " & _
                    "AND STOP_TIME >= '" & Vtime & "' " & _
                    "AND STOP_TIME <= '" & Vtime1 & "' " & _
                    "AND Sequence = '1' " & _
                    "GROUP BY STATION, STOrder " & _
                    "Order BY [STOrder] ASC"

                    Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(cmdstring, MyConnection)
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
                    Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

                    Dim SO As String 'Station Order
                    Dim WS As String 'WorkStation
                    Dim TU As String 'Total Complete
                    Dim PF As String 'Passed FPY
                    Dim FF As String 'Failed FPY
                    Dim ACT As String 'AVG Cycle Time
                    Dim FPY As String 'FPY
                    Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("", MyConnection)

                    'Opens Reader

                    'This Stores the results in a variable
                    If reader.HasRows = False Then
                        'Try catch error checking For SQL Server Connection
                        'Verifies Sequence From Table

                        Using MyConnection As New OleDbConnection(ConText)
                            MyConnection.Open() 'Opens SQL Connection

                            Dim Station As String 'Employee Name

                            'Selects Sequence Name
                            cmd1.CommandText = "SELECT StationOrder from StationID where StationID = '" & Cell & "' " & _
                            "AND ProductLine = '" & Vline & "'"
                            Station = IIf(IsDBNull(cmd1.ExecuteScalar), "", cmd1.ExecuteScalar)

                            SO = Station

                        End Using

                        WS = Cell
                        TU = "No Data Collected"
                        PF = "No Data Collected"
                        FF = "No Data Collected"
                        ACT = "No Data Collected"
                        FPY = "0"
                        DTFinal.Rows.Add(SO, WS, TU, PF, FF, ACT, FPY)

                        'Clears the values befor the next loop
                        SO = ""
                        WS = ""
                        TU = ""
                        PF = ""
                        FF = ""
                        ACT = ""
                        FPY = ""

                        SO = reader("Station Order").ToString()
                        WS = Cell
                        TU = reader("Total Units").ToString()
                        PF = reader("QTY Passed FPY").ToString()
                        FF = reader("QTY Failed FPY").ToString()
                        ACT = reader("Avg. Time Minutes").ToString()
                        FPY = reader("FPY %").ToString()
                        DTFinal.Rows.Add(SO, WS, TU, PF, FF, ACT, FPY)

                        'Clears the values befor the next loop
                        SO = ""
                        WS = ""
                        TU = ""
                        PF = ""
                        FF = ""
                        ACT = ""
                        FPY = ""
                    End If

                    'Closes Reader

                Catch ex As Exception
                    MessageBox.Show("Main View Display Error.  " & " , " & ex.Message, _
                                    "Database Retrieval Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                End Try
        MyConnection.Close() 'Closes the SQL Connection

The overall procedure is fine. The tools are different. There’s no ‘Adapter’ – the closest thing would be a DatasetBuilder. I’d write it something like this:

from java.lang import String
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.util import DatasetBuilder

def makeInfoDataset():
	builder = DatasetBuilder.newBuilder()
	builder.colNames("Station Order", "Workstation", "Total Complete", "Passed FPY", "Failed FPY", "AVG Time", "FPY%")
	builder.colTypes(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
	infods = system.db.runQuery("SELECT ....")
	for info in infods:
		innerds = system.db.runPrepQuery("SELECT .... WHERE .... = ?", [info['whatever']])
		for inner in innerds:
	return builder.build()

Thank yo for the response. I will give that a go and see where it takes me. Thanks again.