As the following image, the relative path jdbc:sqlite:${data} doesn’t work in ignition 8.1.12.
If I use a direct path it works correctly:
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\projects
I wonder it is only valid for linux?
As the following image, the relative path jdbc:sqlite:${data} doesn’t work in ignition 8.1.12.
If I use a direct path it works correctly:
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\projects
I wonder it is only valid for linux?
We definitely tested on other OSes. Your syntax looks correct, but I’ll look into this some more.
The wildcard path worked for me. What was happening on your system - the DB connection was faulted? Any errors in the logs?
In my system the DB Connection is faulted and not valid until I change it to static path.
This is the error log for my configuration.
I just want simply access this folder:
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition 8.1.12\data\projects
Hm, you’re sure of the version? Can you start a support ticket? I would expect that path to look different if the substitution was working properly.
Yes, it is 8.1.12 and from 8.1.10 it should have worked correctly.
The only thing I did is when installing ignition I change the default folder name to “C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition 8.1.12” because I have several instances of ignition on the same machine.
Did you check it with 8.1.12?
When I put direct path it works OK but both ${local} ${data} get error as you see.
The logic is fairly simple, and would always be used on 8.1.10 and up. I tested on ~8.1.15 in the IDE, but that shouldn’t matter (outside of file permissions, theoretically, but since you’re able to hardcode a path I don’t think it’s relevant here).
From the screenshots, it looks like you meet all these conditions:
if (field.equals(DatasourceRecord.ConnectURL)
&& record.getDriver().getVendor().equals(DatabaseVendor.SQLITE)
&& val != null && !val.contains(":memory:")) {
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any logging to use to confirm what’s happening. I’d start with support at this point.
Can you verify that the version is indeed 8.1.12 on the Status → Overview page? I’m just concerned that the Gateway wasn’t installed / upgraded properly and isn’t on 8.1.10+.
Also, what are the local.dir
and the data.dir
parameter values within C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition 8.1.12\webserver\webapps\main\WEB-INF\web.xml
Yes it is Version: 8.1.12 (b2021111810)
I just install it from scratch.
web.xml (4.9 KB)
Did you restore from a gateway backup? If so, what version is that backup from?
Can you verify that the SQLite driver type is set to SQLITE
within Config -> Drivers
Yes it originally come form 8.1.4 and restore in 8.1.12 and then I try to check for this feature.
The driver type is set to Generic. I change it and now it is working thanks.
So it is because I import it from older version?
I don’t think it’s a problem with the restore or old version, it’s because you had it set to GENERIC
instead of SQLITE
edit: but your screenshot above shows SQLite… maybe that’s not it…
I think a sufficiently old version didn’t have a dedicated translator for SQLite, so you could have a SQLite driver but a ‘generic’ type. That’s the only real problem here. Fresh installs won’t have the issue.
@nader.chinichian Try: jdbc:sqlite:data\projects\user.db
I had the same issue, this worked: jdbc:sqlite:data\projects\user.d … also I did restore backup for the ignition test btw, i think that might have caused it.
My problem is solved by changing translator to SQLITE.