I am trying to test up a test database on the raspberry pi and display the contents of the database in a table in Perspective. I am able to create the application to work on my windows laptop but not on the Raspberry Pi 3b+.
So far I’ve created a perspective application. (Zip file attached). In this application I have the Named queries using the database connection I set up on the gateway.
To create the perspective application I developed it on my Windows PC and then exported the application from the gateway to a USB drive. I import the application to the raspberry pi Ignition gateway via USB.
I created a database connection on the Rasp Pi gateway to match the name of the database connection on my Windows PC.
On the Rasp Pi-
Database name: mysensor_data.db
table name: th_reading
Rasp Pi db file location: /home/pi/
for which I used the URL pathway:
I am able to view and list the contents of the th_readings table on the Rasp Pi in the terminal interface using SQLite3 program.
Any suggestions for the being able to view the db contents in Perspective on a Rasp Pi? Is there a better way (other than SQLite3) to store values and display them on the raspberry pi?