SQLTags Data Connection

I’m a little confused re conffiguration of SQLTags Settings in FSQL. I imagine that if I have separate databases for separate projects, then I might want to keep each project’s SQLTags in its own database.

However, FSQL Option Configuration implies that I am selecting a single data connection in SQLTags Settings.

Am I reading this wrong? It could be that SQLTags Settings is just where you go to get the tables created in any database that you want to use.

What if anything is the consequence of selecting a particular data connection in SQLTags Settings?


Unfortunately, FactorySQL currently only support 1 data connection for SQLTags.

So, while you can use multiple databases for the other aspects of the system, all of your SQLTags must reside in one particular schema.

This limitation will likely be resolved in the next release, 4.2, though I’m not 100% sure. Hopefully that will be coming out around the end of next month.


Thanks. Yea, I gathered that when the Dairy Demo fell apart after I changed SQLTags data source.

I do think that would be a useful feature, so I hope it will be implemented.