I have stacked bar charts and would like to total the bars and put the total over the bar. I have the values on each of the three parts of the bar, but would like to place the total above the bar.
Anyone done this?
I was looking to do something similar a couple of weeks ago, check out this thread here Moving value label positions on chart bar graph? and look up the ItemLabelAnchor and ItemLabelPosition jFreeChart classes.
bfusion and brian,
thank you. I ended up taking the easy route, stacking two charts. Works great.
I would like to play around with jFreeChart classes a bit more, just not enough hours in the day.
if event.propertyName == "data":
from org.jfree.chart.labels import CategoryToolTipGenerator
from org.jfree.chart.labels import StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator
from org.jfree.chart.labels import ItemLabelPosition
from org.jfree.chart.labels import ItemLabelAnchor
from org.jfree.ui import TextAnchor
from java.awt import Color
class myLabelGenerator(StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator):
def generateLabel(self,dataset,series,category):
value = dataset.getValue(series,category) + dataset.getValue(series+1,category)
if value == 0.0:
return None
return str(round(value,1))
class CustomToolTipGenerator(CategoryToolTipGenerator):
lines = event.source.parent.getComponent('Bar Chart 1').LineName
lineName = lines.getColumnAsList(0)
combined = event.source.parent.getComponent('Toggle Button').selected
def generateToolTip(self,dataset,row,column):
OPTag = "OP" + dataset.getColumnKey(column)
if self.combined:
OPName = self.lineName[column]
OPName = OPTag
return "%s = %s %.1f"%(OPName,dataset.getRowKey(row),(dataset.getValue(row,column)))
chart = event.source.getChart()
renderer = chart.getPlot().getRenderer()
renderer.setSeriesItemLabelPaint(1, Color(0,0,0,0))
renderer.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE6, TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER))
This bit of code contains a custom label generator that converts the labels from the 1st series to be a total of all values in that category. and also hides the labels for the other series. there is also some code for a custom tool tip but that isn’t needed here. To move the label just change the Anchors and if you want to add a label that is the total while leaving all other labels un changed, simply add a new column to your data property to create a new series. set all data values for that series to 0 then apply the custom label generator to that new series.