Stratix Switch Integration

My skids are running Stratix 5700 and will be moving to the Stratix 5800 shortly, however for now we can ingest them as a native device into the device tree on our Compactlogix, and I was wondering if anyone has had any luck just bringing them straight into igintion? I only ask this because we are looking at creating some network status screens and could potentially show issues on these said displays.

I haven’t used either, but they’re just Ethernet/IP slaves. So my module can scan them:

Does this work for 8.1?

Yes. Click through the "Buy" button (which really isn't). Also:

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I'm fairly new to this. And I read through some of your documentation, however most of it just goes over my head.

I am trying to get port status information etc. from a stratix 5700 switch similar to Dillon and I was wondering if you could please point me in the right direction?

I don't have one of these, but if I did, I would scan it with my module as if it was a I/O device. It is not simple to configure, but I have detailed instructions for interpreting EDS files in my User Manual. (EtherNet/IP Class1 Communications suite 3rd party module.)

If you have Studio5000, it may be simpler to create a sample L8x project that just has a generic ethernet module in the I/O tree, with the necessary data types. Export as L5X then import into my driver. That will get very close.

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