Style Class for blinking one color to the next with no in between color

I’m trying to blink a background color from red to gray using style classes with a 0.5 second blink interval, however I do not want it to fade from one color to the next, it should either be red or gray, no in between. I have played around with the settings but can’t find a way to do this, does anyone have a solution?

Consider adding a third stop at 50% with your “blink” color set.
Then change the timing to step-end or step-start, e.x. in style class below:

  "base": {
    "animation": {
      "duration": "0.5s",
      "timingFunction": "step-start",
      "fillMode": "none",
      "keyframes": {
        "0%": {
          "borderColor": "#000000"
        "50%": {
          "borderColor": "#FF0000"
        "100%": {
          "borderColor": "#000000"
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Thanks Paul,

That works exactly as I’d hoped for.

Alternatively use the cubic-bezier setting. Here it’s cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1).

Blink cubic-bezier

There is actually a fade on the transition but you can study the way CSS cubic-bezier works and modify this to suit.

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