I try to adapt a module driver based on 7.9 AbstractTagDriver
Package com.inductiveautomation.opcua has gone in Ignition 8.0.
What are the substitute for :
Everything under com.inductiveautomation.opcua has a counterpart somewhere in org.eclipse.milo.opcua except the old DataType, which is BuiltinDataType in Milo.
com.inductiveautomation.xopc.driver.api.tags still exists.
DeviceSettingsRecord is at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.opcua.server.api
Delete the unresolved imports and then place your cursor on a class that’s missing an import and hit option/alt+Enter in IntelliJ and it will usually find and suggest the new import.
Can you please give me a hint how to replace the NodeBuilders (com.inductiveautomation.opcua.nodes.builders.NodeBuilder, ObjectNodeBuilder, VariableNodeBuilder)?
I found the VariableTypeManager.VariableNodeConstructor interface but have no idea how to get an actual instance of it.
Is there a javadoc for milo somewhere? The source on github seems to have verly limited comments.
The ExampleNamespace from Milo is also worth looking at if you’re playing with the new Device API, since it’s basically just an extension of a Milo Namespace.