Suggestion - Theme dropdown selector without Built-in color


In the menu-bar Perspective has as default Theme selector there is no a built-in color so dark themes have dark letter.

I added the --neutral-90 color and works fine.



What is theme dropdown? is that a new component? cus the normal dropdown definitly has a color.

Maybe you are overriding it somewhere


I mean the default menu in an Ignition Perspective starting project, has a dropdow which allows you to choose themes and this dropdown does not include theme colors itself

every dropdown should have, but maybe that Header/dropdown class overwrites it by accident

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Where is this?


On that Menu

works fine for me :person_shrugging:
both the added class and the default have a color defined

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:thinking: :sweat: well, I didn´t touch those styles, maybe an older versión...

there is no color defined in the style?

You are right, I had a property overwriting the color, sorry for the post

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That style was also provided by the template, but maybe you editted it, or maybe an different version has that as default no idea

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Overriding a color is OK, but if you're using themes you need to override with a theme variable, not a hard-coded color. In this case one of the --neutral-xx theme variables would have avoided the problem.


Yes, thanks for your help, thanks to the themes variable you sent the dark modes are working fine already. Cheers!