SVG not displaying correctly

Hi all,
I have a problem with an SVG symbol that I use as a pipe.
In designer I see it like this:

But in the browser I see it like this:

Up until last week everything was working fine. I don't know what changed :frowning:
The problem is that it does it on all pipes in every view.
has anyone ever had a similar problem?
Thanks a lot:

I also notice this misalignment,

Seems similar to this:

If I understand what you're showing in the screenshot, you have separate SVGs for individual pipes.

I think victor is right about what's happening if that's the case.

SVGs won't necessarily stretch the same unless they are all in the same view scale. You can layer SVG on top of each other if the viewbox for all of them is the same size but generally you want to have all of the drawn objects in the same viewbox.

That said, I don't prefer using svgs for pipes in Ignition 8.1.x. The drawing tools in 8.3 may change my opinion on that but I feel like it creates a lot of extra effort in managing things to use SVGs for pipes because the view boxes will stretch and the drawing will float around.

@Steve_Laubach I agree,
I'm thinking of switching from SVGs to labels, as suggested in this post:

Could I have the same stretching problem using labels instead of SVGs?

If you slightly change the size of the browser in either or both axes (horizontally and/or vertically), does it fix the alignment? If so, you're seeing the issue I raised a bug for in the post Victor linked