I'm learning Ignition, I'm creating my first project an so far I'm having issues with something that supposed to be an easy task, "Navigation". The swap function does not work for me. I have three main screens in my project. They are set to "Start maximized" the false check box is empty. I tried the Tab Navigation and also the regular button and still opening all the screens one underneath the other one, so if I scroll down I see all three. I'm trying to do the transition between Factory Talk to Ignition but why this task is so difficult is very easy in factory talk. What do I'm doing wrong?
I'm not sure. With ignition, I've always found this to be simple. Just for clarification, is this a Vision project or Perspective? Also, how are are you swapping? is it from navigation buttons? Is there code you're using for the swaps? if there is code involved, please post it.
It's a vision project.
I'm using a Button (first on the list of "Buttons") when I double click on it on the "Component Scripting pop out" I select "Action Performed" I selected open/swap and then Swap and the window name where I want to go to. No code. I also tried the "Tab Strip" component with the same result.
The button only opens the new window but it does not close the opened window.
It works with floating windows with the maximized is set to true! However, it should also work with "Docked Windows", right? The only issue I seen is that with docked windows the check box does not work. There is any setting that I have to set to have the "Maximized" working. I had the impression that floating will be more for pop out windows.
Try using a mouse clicked event handler instead of action performed.
I'm going to try right now, thank you.
I think it does need to be floating for swap to work actually. Not 100% sure on that though
It does the same, it only works with "Floating Windows" with the Maximized "True", it's rare that it does not work for "Docked Windows" since is the default for "Main Windows".
I guess you are right
The manual does not mention that, or I missed that section
For docked windows, you can script it with system.nav.swapWindow()
Use the button's actionPerfomed event handler.
The code will look like this:
system.nav.swapWindow("pathtoWindow/ThatCloses", "PathtoWindow/ThatOpens")
This video resource is perhaps easier to follow than the manual:
What you are looking for is discussed at timestamp 04:00
I guess you are right, the manual does not mention that or I missed that section.
It Works! thank you for your help.
Perhaps your first introduction to ignition hasn't been as smooth as you would have liked, but once you sink your teeth in and start understanding it, I'm sure you'll excel