in particular we use it because it has an animated fan which spins around when the pump is working.
We now need however to change the color of the pump from white to grey based on whether the pump is enabled or not:
as we change the color however the blade color of the fan inside the pump and the void between blades is changed with the specified color such that the fan doesn’t seem to be spinning anymore.
Can this problem be fixed by ia? can we import own animated objects into the designer?
Sorry I updated the question to reflect the fact I’m using perspective and not vision and the fact I use the Symbols component which is inside the right “Perspective Components” menu and not the “Tools” → “Symbol Factory” one (I had some confusion on the difference between the two).
I also tried importing an animated example svg as an icon but the icon becomes static as soon as I open in the designer
you can put css transform animations on svgs. it will be a bit tricky to make this work tho.
infact the animaton on the pump is already css based.
this is the best you can get with the pump from igntion. for some reason the blades are not blades but just lines, so you cant fill them… i guess you could increase the stroke-width a bit of the fans so then there are 8 smaller fans
can you please tell me where to look for the css based animation
and where to put this style?
At the moment the most I could do is use an iframe to view an animated svg put inside the "C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\webserver\webapps\main" directory.
They are in the css files. probably located here C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\modules\com.inductiveautomation.perspective\themes\light\palette\symbols.css
Tho if you want to make one yourself you should look here:
The correct way is to create a new theme that inhertis the other theme and write this here.
Tho you can also inject the css in a style class in the background-image by putting }{ around it: (no need to asign the styleclass to anything) }.pump_centrifugal_rotor>g>path:nth-child(1){fill:white;} .ia_symbolComponent-pump-centrifugal{fill:grey;}{
What do you mean on your screenshot i do see the pump being grey xd.
Ah you want it to be dynamic based on the class.. hmh ups then you will need to do add the classname infront of .ia_symbolComponent-pump-centrifugal...
like so .psc-NewStyle .ia_symbolComponent-pump-centrifugal{...} (psc- is auto added by igntion so is also needed)
Yes it could be located in a different file. i didnt check the files to make this, but used the google chrome debugger to look at the dom elements xd.
you should not manipulate the base theme.css files tho as these willbe overwritten again after an upgrade of igition. you have to make a new one so that doesnt happen.